Thursday, November 02, 2006

Rock It Like Marilinda (or Go for the Gold-frapp)

Today I had the misfortune of taking pictures at an ugly intersection that the city was claiming to be beautiful. The whole thing was basically a grip and grin with out the griping, so I was kind of surprised we covered it.

I kind of wish I got the interstate in the photo, but the low angle made it cleaner, I thought. It's got the mayor. Its got pretty flowers. For what I had to work with, I thought I rocked it out.

I try to make the most of bad assignments these days. I don't know why, but this random reality TV show comes to mind. At some point during the last season of Project Runway, a model named Marilinda had to wear a pile of rags down the runway that one of the designers was trying to pass off as high fashion. It was a mess, but the dress won the challenge. All over the PR blogs, people were saying how much Marilinda "rocked" the dress, and the designer owed his win to how well she wore it. Sadly, I think about that a lot when I'm expected to pull a winning photo out of a mess of an assignments.

So today's music is brought to you by Marilinda's MySpace page (it's linked on a PR blog). It features Goldfrapp's "Ooh La La," which now pops into my head everytime I'm at a bad assignment. They seem to be coming more frequently, so I did a little looking into the band. They are apparently popular in the UK, but in the US their popularity has been limited to commercials and movie soundtracks. Their song "Strict Machine" has been used in TV promos for Nip/Tuck, the Verizon Chocolate cell phone commercial and was also included in the Miami Vice soundtrack. Here are a few I'm currently into from their last two albums:

Train.mp3 from Goldfrapp's Black Cherry
Strict Machine.mp3 from Goldfrapp's Black Cherry
Ooh La La.mp3 from Goldfrapp's Supernature

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