The Ms. Coastal Bend Senior Pageant took place over the weekend, and I was super excited. I went to a rehearsal the day before to maximize my pageant time and get some pictures during the pre-pageant interviews.
Some of those ladies could really move. I was impressed. I intended to make a little audio slideshow, so I gathered some sound while I was there. Probably my favorite moment of the day happened when the former queens were practicing their opening routine. The CD skipped and the ladies all clamored around trying to fix it.
I don't know why, but it was endlessly entertaining to me. If you listen closely, you can hear me bust out laughing among the chaos.
As much as I love my little MiniDisc recorder, I guess I don't know how to use it. That became obvious to me the night of the show. It was paused when I thought it was recording, and it recorded when I thought it was paused.
Apparently I'm a bit of a "rascal" for popping up in different places back stage, at least according to one of the many random (and sometimes awkward) snippets of audio I caught when I thought it was paused.
The resolution I made to change the sound of my voice isn't going so well.
Say what you will about pageants, but I really admired these women for being so daring.
They were beautiful.
They were talented.
And they are much braver then I am. In the end I scrapped the audio slideshow, which really made me sad and frustrated. Some of my key audio got killed by my recorder in the transfer process, so I just put up a simple photo gallery on the newspaper's website.
I did get to hear some of it, though, including when the winner gushed about how great the experience was.
"It's been so wonderful. It makes you feel young again."
You are the pageant King
Nice work. Too bad about the audio.
so many thoughts come to mind, but i'll be good and say all that needs to be said. good job man.
Agreed with Marc on post, can I interest you in a Canoe trip first weekend of May?
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