Thursday, January 31, 2008

Thank You Lord Baby Jesus In Heaven

I wanted to scream that phrase in relief when I finally pulled up this image on my laptop tonight.

Things didn't go as smooth as I thought at my first Corpus Christi Rayz experience. This was my first time shooting professionally hockey, and probably only the third or fourth time I've seen a hockey game. For some reason, though, I went in with unusually high confidence. How hard could it be, I thought.

Well, its not really that hard, but if you are unfamiliar with the sport it takes a little getting used to. I had no idea where I was even suppose to stand to take pictures. There was no designated photo area, so I had to shoot through the glass. My equipment is so beat up the auto focus sometimes acts up on clear days, so shooting through the hazy, scuffed glass on manual focus seemed to be my only option. The above photo was the only shot from the first period that was in focus. I couldn't help thinking these signs below were meant for me.

The second period went better. I found a clearer spot on the glass and had a little more success. In the end I had a handful of decent images I didn't mind putting my name on. But in honor of my first period faux pas, here are some of my better shots, sans focus. And just for fun, they are in dramatic black and white. They're not blurry, they're artistic.

To cheer me up, I'm sharing some fun new Gnarls Barkley music. Their second album doesn't come out until April, but this song was leaked online by an internet blogger earlier this week. Its no "Crazy," but it does the trick for now.


Philip Wartena said...


Yo, I know how you feel, hockey isn't easy to keep up with, but you have some great images and it shows that you're very versatile.

I used to shoot semi pro hockey in Columbus and we didn't have a good area to shoot from either and our equipment was beat as well. What we would do, and this is only a suggestion, is shoot from the stands with a 300mm. It's great because you can clear the background of garbage and you don't have to shoot through scratched glass.

Bro, cali is the bomb diggity bomb. I'm so glad to have finally left my job. I don't know what I'm going to do, but dang it feels good. Thank you lord baby jesus in heaven for giving me the courage to seek a new path.


Anonymous said...

Mate... these are freaking AWESOME!!! shots.. Hats off to you.. Hockey is hard enough to watch on TV. Let alone snap shots off...

Marc F. Henning said...

Good Job eh.

Ken said...

Hockey is the one sport I actually enjoy, but I haven't shot it since I worked in Iowa. I have to say though, I'd rather watch it than shoot it.
Nice job