Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Atlanta Outtakes

A couple of random photos left over from my trip to the SEC Tournament in Atlanta.

The sports reporter and I took the MARTA subway/train thing a couple of times while in Atlanta. I think public transit areas are so ripe for people watching and photo opportunities. These were just a couple of quick shots from the hip as we were navigating our way back to the hotel. I wish I had time to take pictures around the city while I was there, especially along the MARTA. I could have spent all day in the train station just observing the different people and quietly trying to capture life on commute.

Here Florida basketball player Joakim Noah hams it up for the cameras while he waits for the live CBS interview after the game. It was kind of funny, but obviously I was on the wrong side. I don't know if you saw his interview, but I thought the he came off extremely cocky, almost arrogant. I guess when you are as good a player as he is, you can get away with that.

So I picked up a CD yesterday, kind of on a whim. That usually results in a fantastic discovery or an amazing let down. This kind of fell somewhere in between. It's called "Zombies! Aliens! Vampires! Dinosaurs!" from the band Hellogoodbye. Apparently they have a top 40 hit that I hadn't heard before. Good thing too, because the single, "Here (In Your Arms)," isn't all that great. The CD isn't bad, but it's kind of all over the place. One song sounds like a remixed dance track, another is a light, mall punk anthem. Then there's that ballady acoustic song thrown in for good measure. Overall, though, its fun and an easy listen. Here are a couple of my favorites so far:

Homewrecker.mp3 by Hellogoodbye
Oh, It's Love.mp3 by Hellogoodbye

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