Friday, July 27, 2007

High Wire Act

Some stuff from the ropes course yesterday. I've felt very much like this guy all week, trying to get my balance and desperately clinging to any support I can find. But I'm starting to see the light.By the way, I so totally mastered the course yesterday. I have been up on the tower before, but always cheated and took the little ladder in the back. This time they made me do the log climb and the wire walk, and I rode the little zip line down. The wire walk was tricky because I had all my camera gear hanging from my neck. It was scary, but what I was mostly afraid that some photographer from one of the other newspapers would roll up while I was dangling up in the air.


Neemah said...

So how many lenses/cameras did you break? What would have been better than another photographer stopping by is Rusty pulling up and seeing TMN photo gear 40 feet off the ground and you flying by on a zip line. Does insurance cover that?

Wes Putt said...

I, for one, am thankful you made it out alive.

Congrats on your new job, buddy!