Here at the Caller-Times, the cover of the society section isn't adorned with a human interest profile or spotlight on some service organization. No, society's Sunday cover is reserved for the Closet Snoop, where local woman (and the occasional man) allow Caller-Times staffers to raid their closet, dress them up in their trendiest clothing and play model/fashion photographer for a couple of hours.

Now fashion photographer I am not, but that didn't stop me from thoroughly enjoying my first Closet Snoop assignment. The photos of this girl, a local high school senior obsessed with fashion, ran today. The girl and her mom were super nice and cooperative, which some of the other photographers have warned me may not always be the case. It was good times all around. I'm sure, though, after I get several of these under my belt I'll dread it as much as an Ourtown profile.

In case you are wondering, I shot most of these photos
Strobist style. I used a big strobe for the pics on the coach, but the rest were all shot with a small off camera flash on a light stand bounced into an umbrella. It was definitely a learning experience, and I'm looking forward to shooting another one.

You do fashion too? You can do it all Michael. Nice stuff.
he's an international award winning photographer... he can do anything
Nice stuff! Good think you mentioned she was in high school; I was about to make lewd comments. What ran on the front?
They ran the photo by the fountain on the cover, then jumped to the back page with an insanely huge 6-column vertical of the girl sitting on the back of the couch in front of the window. The headline and short text ran on that photo. The one of her putting on lipstick in front of the mirror and some detail shots rounded out the package.
you know this was such a thrill for the girl...don't you love that??
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