Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Photography on Ice

These days I'm trying to make a concise effort to improve my photography. Clearly the results are mixed.

I don't know what it is, but this blog has made me think more about the pictures I take. For some reason many of the photos I take for the newspaper, which is seen by 40,000+ readers (on a good day), just aren't good enough for my blog, read by 4+ lost or extremely bored people (on a very, very good day).

Now there's nothing groundbreaking about these photos, shot at a local kids hockey camp, but they are a little more in the direction I should always be thinking- slightly different angles, playing with dead space, that kind of thing.

For me the verdict is still out on the top photo. I'm not sure if keeping the line of hockey players in the back with the main subject off to the right is interesting, or if the girl in the pink is just a distraction. I think for the version I gave to the paper I cropped the girl in the pink out. I figured if I didn't do it the page designers would anyway.

For the photo on the left I just put the camera on the ground next to the kid, angling up as he tied his skates. Again, nothing new, but it's a bit tricky for me to get a shot where heads, arms, or other important body parts aren't cut off when not actually looking through the camera. I thought it worked

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