Thursday, January 18, 2007

Killer Bees

She may have lost the spelling bee, but this girl was a winner to me.

I know I'm several months behind here, but I'm really into The Killers' new album Sam's Town right now. I wasn't really that excited about it when it first came out in October, but I got it for Christmas last month and I think it's a pretty solid album. Although the Deadwood-meets-rural-county-fair image they are working is a bit of a turn off, the music is strong and I think as a whole better than their first album.

Sam's Town.mp3
Read My Mind.mp3


Melissa said...

now zamora, I have to disagree. Why did the Killers have to reinvent themselves for their second album? Were they just thinking, you know we were glam rock for one record, lets be cowboys or something for the second and for the third record lets sing it ala New Kids on the Block?
I prefer the first album to the second and that's my final answer.

Matthew Bamberg said...

This is classic candid photography. I plan on sharing it with my students.

I'm wondering if you could trade links with me.

Best, Matt