Monday, January 15, 2007

P-O-Why I Hate Myself

There's nothing like awards season to chip away your self confidence. I'm putting together my clips for various photojournalism contests (including the POYi competition due Friday), and the more I look at my images the more I hate them.

While going back over everything I shot last year, I did come across something I almost forgot about. I shot a local Mexican-style rodeo with fellow photographer Neemah Esmaeilpour back when we were trying to learn how to do audio slideshows. He recorded sound, I shot photos. The story was never published by our newspaper, so I thought I'd bring them to life on my blog. A version of the slideshow can also be found here.

I probably don't have a shot, but here are a few I'm thinking about entering in the Sport Picture Story category. They are in black and white for two reasons: 1) It's kinda cool, and 2) I want them to win.


Ken said...


I like the package. I would darken it down a bit before entering though, It looks a bit washed out on my screen. (But that may just be my screen.


P.S. How do you post the slideshows? I have some that we don't have on my web site (Our paper isn't there yet). And I would like to share them how do you do that?

Anonymous said...

I hope you are as successful as J-Hud was at the Golden Globes. :)

Anonymous said...


I wasn't familiar with the POYi awards so I had a look at the web site and the rules for the competition. What a shame they charge $50 to enter, that just doesn't seem right.

They must know that most entries will be from aspiring photographers who want to win a prize to help their career. How greedy it is to charge those people $50 just to have their picture(s) looked at. They're trying to profit from people gambling on hope.

Personally I wouldn't enter that competition on principle. It feels creepily unethical to me, and ethics are such a huge part of photo journalism that I wouldn't want to support any organisation that would do such a thing.

Hope you don't mind the rant. Thanks for the effort you put into your always-interesting blog.
