Thursday, July 19, 2007


So there's a quasi company softball team, made up of mainly sports reporters and their drinking buddies. I heard they were bad. Actually, terrible. So when a couple of them asked me to come shoot their game, I wasn't quick to agree. I ended up doing it anyway, mostly because I figured it would be a great opportunity to get some embarrassing photos of some of my colleagues.

They actually played better than advertised, so to balance it out I shot worse than expected. The full take is up in a gallery here.


Melissa said...

zamora, you're amazing!

Nathan Allen said...

Freakin' sweet!

Anonymous said...

You are an amazing photographer. Thanks again for coming, and feel free to come back!

Wes Putt said...

Who actually won the game? Nice shots.

Melissa said...

the bad news beers won the game michael shot but lost the second game.