Thursday, September 06, 2007


(Above) Alex Gonzalez waits outside the audition room Thursday during tryouts for the Gulf Coast Children's Choir at Del Mar College in Corpus Christi. (Right) Ouida Richardson strikes a note on the piano during Alex's audition.

There wasn't a lot to be seen at the children's choir auditions tonight, but I liked the top photo of the kid waiting outside the audition room. While the page designer didn't disagree, there was a consensus that the photo didn't say enough about what was going on. Even when paired with the random hand/keyboard detail shot it was still "confusing." I can see that. So in its place, another photo will lead the local section tomorrow. Here, though, no one can stand in the way of my odd photo pairings and questionable judgement calls.


Wes Putt said...

bullshit! they work together just fine. do they not run captions down there?

kid, linoleum floor, cracked doorway... then the single key being played...


okay, well that's my opinion. :-D

Ken said...

There is something good to be said about competing for space in the paper with other shooters. Competition (as long as it is fair and fun) can only make a person a better shooter. It is the one thing I miss a a lone shooter of feature and news here.

By the way, I loved the kid, but I thought he was in trouble and may have been waiting for the principal — until I read the caption.