Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Thought I Told Ya

From a dance competition, where people dance to "Crank That" by Soulja Boy. The winners get to dance on stage with Soulja Boy during Bayfest this weekend. I would have entered, but I have to work Saturday. The song is actually pretty popular. I've heard it before, but didn't know there was a dance that went along with it. A lot of stepping and bouncing and jumping. As one of the other photographers described it "It's kind of like a line dance, but cooler."
And in the song you do the "Superman," which meant I had to shoot the little 2-year-old dancing in a Superman costume.


Neemah said...

So am I completely out of "it" if I have never heard of Soulja Boy or Crank That?

Michael said...

No, it just means you have better taste in music than a 17 year old. That's probably a good thing.

Melissa said...

please tell me you danced, just a little bit?