Friday, June 01, 2007

I Quit

My photo editor is usually pretty good about filtering out bad photo requests and non events when making photo assignments. Today, however, a couple of random assignments fell through the cracks.

I try not to have an ego as a photographer. I don't mind input or recommendations from other photographers, reporters and editors. But I kind of cringed when I saw one of my photo assignments today. From the situation and the angle to the lens choice and where I should stand, the assignment spelled out exactly what I should shoot and what kind of photo I should bring back. I was not happy, and I ended up shooting something completely different to illustrate the assignment. I try to tell myself I did it to make a better photo, but I'm afraid I may have done it out of spite.

Then came the Monster truck rally. I didn't mind shooting the event, but once I read the entire assignment I realized it wasn't for publication the next day, they just wanted it for file art to use maybe sometime in the distant future.

I was a little frustrated, but I decided to turn it into a positive. If they didn't want it for the paper I would throw together a little slideshow and publish it online. Take that, I thought.

Yeah, it didn't work out so well. Somewhere between the rain, the ear splitting roar of the engines, having dirt sprayed on my face and being told by a 12-year-old boy where I could and couldn't stand, I threw in the towel.

Here are a couple of images I shot before I abandoned the slideshow idea and left defeated.


Melissa said...

i saw that on the digest and saw 'file art' with it as well. so sorry Zamora.

Ken said...

"Mama Told Me There'd Be Days Like This"
— The Shirelles